May 6, 20123 min read
Sadly, kids aren't the only cruel bullies on the block
May 6, 2012 After you’ve seen an 11-year-old pallbearer shouldering his best friend’s casket, and after you’ve heard the story of his...

Oct 10, 20103 min read
Gays can choose — to put trust in themselves
October 10, 2010 You are the only you that there will ever be. You are unique and irreplaceable. You are beautiful and rare and...

Mar 22, 20092 min read
Reconnecting across the years through cyberspace
March 22, 2009 I never meant to join Facebook. From time to time people invited me to sign up for the Internet social-networking site so...

Dec 10, 20083 min read
Let's call a truce on the imagined war over Christmas
December 10, 2008 I don't know why everything looks like war to some people. What Sen. Chris Buttars sees as a war on Christmas I see as...
Apr 13, 20083 min read
Overcoming the bigotry inside myself
April 13, 2008 Two teenagers, a 16-year-old female and an 18-year-old male, vandalized a local church, causing $1 million in damage. ...

Feb 18, 20083 min read
Picture told the ugly story of Utah's cultural divide better than words
February 17, 2008 I’m looking at a photo of Chris Buttars and he looks like he has just been served a dog poop burrito. Really, like he...