Jan 20, 20133 min read
Worth Celebrating a 2nd Obama Inaugural
January 20, 2013 Four couples sat in the late September air in a wonderful back yard, enjoying drinks and anticipating a delicious...
Sep 9, 20123 min read
Obama makes me proud to be a Democrat
September 9, 2012 Someone once told me a certain charter school in Utah forbids sharing among its students, instead rebuking young...

Sep 2, 20123 min read
GOP candidates offer nothing to the 99%
September 2, 2012 Faux indignation was the main strategy at the Republican convention. Anyone who watched President Obama flub a line of...
Jul 15, 20123 min read
All sides fair game in satire of politics
July 15, 2012 July 4th parade in Huntsville, Utah, population 608. Parade entry: A limousine escorted by teens dressed as Secret Service...
Sep 19, 20103 min read
Let's take a look at what Obama has accomplished
September 19, 2010 As I pulled up to a traffic light in my left-leaning neighborhood yesterday, an old man in the car next to me gestured...

Mar 21, 20103 min read
Spread the word -- using the ‘r’-word just not cool
March 21, 2010 Right up front, I’ll confess that I’ve used the “r” word and even that it probably wasn’t as long ago as I’d like. While...
Sep 13, 20093 min read
Most kids can see fools for what they are
September 13, 2009 I held my young friends in my heart as I listened to President Obama’s speech to students the other day. I absorbed...
Nov 23, 20083 min read
Obama's election has produced an ugly backlash
November 23, 2008 The downtown neurosurgeon's waiting room needed a style makeover but at least the magazines were current and they had...

Nov 9, 20083 min read
Election is over, now we know: Yes, we can!
Jubilation, ecstasy, elation, prayerful gratitude, drunken giddiness, righteous celebration, overwhelming joy. Laughing-crying happiness....
Oct 26, 20083 min read
Republicans are real Americans, Democrats are too
Thank heavens I saw “Boogie Man” last week; it was good prep. It’s a documentary about Lee Atwater, Republican Party dirty-trickster,...